What Have I Been Up2?

Y'all, I've been busy!

First, I turned 37 (EWWWWWW) But hey, still lookin' good! And I had a ton of fun doing it too.

Kenya and I will always be friends, we are friends for life....she's like my soul mate in friend form. We don't fight, we tell each other how it is, and man oh man have we been through a lot together!


Now boring life business:

Podcast world has been going strong...working away on the Up2 podcast, listening, analyzing some amazing interviews with some pretty big name...but you'll have to listen in for that info ;)

I've finally been entrusted to start my next podcast, which is a comedy podcast, a spin off of one of our original podcasts What's So Funny! It's been fun researching and developing the pilot episode. I also got to hire people which was cool. I got to spread my casting wings and had fun holding auditions.

I also signed on to sell Rodan + Fields with my friend Dawn. She's so motivating and tries her hardest to make me succeed. However I think I need to find my own way to succeed, and I haven't necessarily found that YET. I love our products, but find the actual DIRECT SALE part of it difficult. How do you split the difference between selling and helping, between being pushy and not....IDK I'll figure it out somehow, until then....I push on.....and thank you for letting me blow up your facebook messenger with my selling :)

Now my newest news! I've joined a BOARD..... I'm so prestigious now......

Women in Film and Television Ohio, is a super new association in Cleveland. Women in Film is a national organization, and now CLE has its very own branch. I decided to join and serve on the board of this organization because I think that I can really make a difference and help the organization grow. I want to help my co-workers move into other positions and have the resources to go out and become the directors/producers/DP's. Annnnnnddddddd maybe I can find some resources to finish Sweet Nothing! Ooh, maybe I'll edit y'all a trailer soon.....no promises.

Now, in true Sarah form, life may seem grand but........
I've been struggling with finding balance in life....
As you see I've taken on a lot of responsibilities. A lot of things that take up my time....my time, my precious time.

I moved back to Ohio with goals of moving forward and ahead, and I sometimes feel like those things aren't happening.  It makes me wonder what I really want my life to be like. I know I want it simpler than LA, but is Cleveland simple? I still have to drive across to town to go to the store, to get to work, to hang out with friends, go to the gym.... or do I want to be able to drive 5 minutes away. But not have a climbing gym at my finger tips, or to have to drive into Cleveland to go to a concert. Is small town life the simple life I really want?

Life is also currently giving me a lesson in honesty...but y'all don't need to know the details of that.

I'm also frustrated that I'm not a great climber....gotta figure out how to become better, suggestions?

I leave you with this thought.....what do you want your life to be like?
above all else......


  1. I should've left the for everyone to check out: www.evergreenpodcasts.com, www.thefrontporchpeople.com


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