I came back and started applying for jobs, jobs of all shapes and sizes. Big jobs, little jobs, fulfilling jobs, soul crushing jobs, and movie jobs ;)

And then voila! I broke back into the CLE scene on a Netflix movie titled "All The Bright Places."

The movie gods shined on as we had some beautiful work days when we had to put actors in the water. We traveled to Nelson's ledges which (even though its far away) is one of my favorite places. It's an old hippie lake where you can camp, and hike and its beautiful. Those sunny days were followed by cold cold days and nights, and then the most rainy shoot day I have ever experienced.

This is what I look like when I'm cold....

I mean look at that sun flare

 When I was doing all that applying, I was told about a job that seemed perfect to me. I sent my resume but then things were on hold, which was fine cuz I was Netflix movieing (totally a word).
But towards the end of the film, things fell into place.

Now, meet The Front Porch People (https://www.thefrontporchpeople.com) the leading producer of Podcasts in Cleveland, OH, and my new employer. That's right, I have been hired on as a freelance Podcast Producer.

I attended my first of many interoffice production meetings this morning and as much as I was overwhelmed I was also thrilled! I am so excited to take on a new challenge and do something new, and something that will allow me to be creative. All my new co-workers seemed super cool and I can't wait until I am fully submerged in the podcast world (but first Costa Rica, more about that later).

So movie industry, it's been bittersweet, and I may be back someday, but for now: SO LONG, GOOD BYE, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH!



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