The Good, the Bad, and the Sad

So much has happened since my last entry: The good, the bad, and the sad.

The SAD: On August 23, heaven gained the most beautiful angel, and our family was met with extreme sadness as my cousin Tiffany passed away. She was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of Leukemia in December. She went through all possible treatment options including a bone marrow transplant, but the cancer was stronger than her body.
She was so young and had so much more life ahead of her. She leaves behind a 4 year old who will never grow up knowing her mom. She will only have her few years of memories of this beautiful amazing woman. Her funeral was hard. I didn't want to say goodbye. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want it to be real. It's still not real. I want to go for a walk with her, to talk with her, to go to Marconi's for dinner with her. To watch every spinoff of Vampire Diaries. Instead, I will visit her grave on Oct. 23, I will cry some tears, and I will cherish every single moment we ever had together. Time is fleeting, and we never know when the last time you saw someone will indeed be the last time.

The Bad: WORK SUCKS! 2018 has been a horrible career year. I think that's all I want to say about that. 

The Good: I moved back to Ohio, yay!!! After a couple months of extreme soul searching, and facing the fears of the previous blog post I made a decision. In fact, I am in Ohio as I type. Moving to CLE on Oct. 1, I am so excited. 

A part of making the decision to move was the ability to do all my favorite hobbies in CLE. I will be living so close to the lake that my paddle board and I can just walk to the water and glide in. The metro parks are great for hiking and bouldering. I might even start my own top rope meet up so that all of us rock climbing enthusiasts can "meet up." I can paint and volunteer with dogs, just like I could in LA for a fraction of the cost, and a priceless closeness to my family. I made the drive from LA from Ohio in only 3 days, with one night stay in St. Louis. I touristed a bit and saw the Gateway Arch, which totally lent to a great selfie, and a great hipster polaroid! 

With the decision to move back, I have had to face many realities. The first reality is that I may have to get a 'real' job and change my career. Although I am still struggling with this reality I think I am okay with it. I want a stable life, with stable money, even is that means 9-5. The film industry can be a cruel place, but it can also be wonderful. The days off, and not working a normal schedule allow time for so many hobbies and things to do, but it also means missing weddings, softball games, birthday parties, etc, because you just don't know when you will be done. 

Who knows what I will end up doing professionally, but I do know I am happy to be back in my home state, doing my favorite porch coffee drinking with my Rex! 


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