The little train that could.....

This blog is about discovering myself at 36.

My whole life I've been chubby, and I still am. I prefer the term curvy as an adult, but I have also heard other terms like "thick" used as well, I prefer curvy. As a result of being curvy my whole life there were certain things I used to think that I couldn't do, mainly physical things. I still had these thoughts all the way until this year. When I decided to apply and then accept the amazing travel job I've been on, I knew it would challenge me and that was one of the things I really liked about it. Not only has it challenged me, it has made me realize that I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to.
While in Switzerland I had to belay down a mountain. It was my first time doing it, but hopefully won't be my last. I absolutely loved it and climbing has become my new favorite hobby. This is also a hobby that I never thought I would be able to do.

I attempted a climbing wall, when I was like 10, at the IX Indoor Amusement Park in Ohio and couldn't make it up very far. Due to fear or failure I'm not sure, but the feeling of enjoyment I now experience from this same activity is overwhelming. I never thought I could climb, I never thought that I would have the strength or the endurance, not to mention my fear of heights.

One of the other biggest challenges I personally face is the fear of failure, which also inhibits many activities. When we were in Switzerland we had to snow shoe into one of our locations, about a mile slightly down hill. What we need to remember is that what does down, must go back up. The first day at this location we were racing time to get back to the tram that would take us down the mountain. I was so exhausted mentally, physically, and full of jet lag that this now 1 mile snow shoe up hill was excruciating. My body felt like it weighted double what I actually do, and I was very thirsty.

Our DP stuck by me while we snow shoed out of the location, even though he would've been done at least 15 minutes earlier. I really appreciated him doing this, and also showed me that it is okay to show weakness. I've tried to be one of the guys, and one of those ways is to never show emotion or feeling or weakness. But it's okay to show all of those things. We are all human, and we all go through extreme feelings. We all experience pain, frustration, and then joy.

The point of this blog is to tell you that you can do it! Go out and experience things that you've always wanted to try, and don't let something as simple as weight prevent you from trying new things.  I am very thankful for this job because of the change that I've seen in myself.

Our next stop is the desert, just wait for the fun we are going to have out there ;)

                                            Bouldering, seriously never though I could do that!
                                                           *the hands of a climber...rough


  1. Great message, Sarah! Sounds like you had a great time on the shoot where you belayed and snowshoed.


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